Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Set Up Camp

I'm all settled in at the nudist resort. It took a little convincing to get a spot with a concrete pad, but they did give me one. I spent the rest of the day building the loom by myself. It takes a little work to do it alone, but I'm getting it down to a science.

This spot has much less wind than the first one they had me in, too. I'll still need to sew a cover for the loom so it's not getting filled with dust when I'm not weaving. The wind here is relentless!

They tell me it's supposed to rain next week. I'll be picking up cinder blocks, plastic sheeting and rope tomorrow. If it looks like rain, I'll put the loom up on blocks and cover it with plastic.

If it does rain, I'll be glad for the sewing studio inside the van. Even if it doesn't, it's nice to have protection from the wind when I'm piecing together fiddly little cloth things.

I almost can't believe that everything fits in the van in such a way that I can sleep and work without rearranging boxes every day.

[Morning: all sprawled]

[Evening: built and tidy]

[My new home and sewing studio]


Teresa Ruch said...

so where is this faire that you are doing and for how long?

Unknown said...

Hey, Teresa!

It's the Southern California Renaissance Faire, in Irwindale. (a suburb of Los Angeles) It lasts until the last week of May.


Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for some time now. Great that you've got a booth at RenFaire. Hope to make it out to say "hi". Camping at a nudist resort....hummmm.
