Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Blog Platform

For the last couple of weeks I've been working on a new website, including a whole new blog platform.

You can now read my blog at
If you use an RSS reader, point it at

I will not be posting on this blogger-based site anymore.

The reasoning for it is simple - the whole new site is managed through a service called SquareSpace. When I hired a web designer to design and implement the site, he recommended that I look into this service. When I looked into it, I discovered that I could design and manage the site well enough that I don't actually need a designer. SquareSpace does all of the heavy lifting, including better SEO, a better search function, and drop-dead simple email and social network integration.

Thank you for your years of loyalty. If you'd like to keep following my story, just c'mon by the new site.