Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Finding a Job is a Full Time Job

The economy is in a sad, sad state. Everyone knows it. Reading trade rags of the apparel industry, I see the same thing again and again... Customers aren’t willing to spend. Retailers have curtailed stock purchases and are CERTAINLY not picking up new lines. Manufacturers have scaled back production. Suppliers are left with warehouses of unsold materials.

But, that’s all on the consumer-level retail side of things. Analysts say that we’ve never seen a recession bad enough to seriously impact spending on the very high end. As a cash-poor startup, though, I can’t see myself cracking that market. Not only will it take time and money to develop products, but it will take time and money to effectively market my wares to the purveyors who have customers in that market.

Meanwhile, I tick away the days in a job that barely makes ends meet, and I’m thankful for even that much. To make a living in an easier and more pleasing way, I want to weave for an established weaver. To find them, I’m been sending out prospecting messages every day: emails, phone calls, and physical letters. Not only has it become a full time job, it has thoroughly taxed my ability to track all of the prospects and their status.

Thank goodness for a piece of business management software called Daylite. You can read my review of it HERE. Because of this incredible program, I have actually been able to maintain contact with the people that I need to without pestering them or forgetting them. That said, I still have yet to secure a contract. There are a couple of things in the works, but nothing is certain.

So, if you could use the services of a weaver, or know someone else who could, just drop me a line or forward on my resume, available HERE.

870 South Van Ness Ave. San Francisco, CA 94110

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