Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wolf Creek, I've Arrived!

[A tiny slice of the view as I drink my tea and await the sun]

The last two days have been a blur as I tied up business in San Francisco, packed up a whole weaving studio, travelled to another state, and put it all into a little cabin. Last night I was so exhausted that I couldn't be excited about my arrival. After a good night's sleep and a cup of tea, it's all starting to hit me.

This place is unbelievably beautiful. It's surrounded on all sides by fir-covered hills. When the wind blows, the firs whistle while the oaks, maples and madrones rustle.

Last night the sky was filled with stars. They actually make enought light to walk the paths, even without the moon.

Today I will build the loom. I think that with diligence I should have it done by dinner.

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