Saturday, June 20, 2009

Selling Excitement!

I've been weaving for a few months now, and just had my first experience of selling. For the Naraya, I borrowed a truckload of handwoven garments from my weaving mentor, Annie Fischer. She and her husband run a company called Shuttle Creek in Lowell, Oregon. She is the real brains behind the beautiful weaving that you've seen me producing in the last few months. I'm still just an apprentice, especially when it comes to designing and producing things from scratch.

When I arrived at the dance, I found that my intuition was right: the Radical Faerie and Naraya communities are craving beautiful handwoven clothing. I knew I couldn't be the only one! I sold a few pieces, but more than just selling, I watched people becoming excited. They were excited about the idea of making things from scratch, excited about supporting someone who's doing that, and excited about the idea that they could do it themselves. This is exactly what I had hoped for.

Y'all have probably heard me talk about my long term vision for a monastery built on the foundation of a sustainable crafts business. I believe that this is one of the primary difficulties of the Wolf Creek Sanctuary. The people living there have no independent way of supporting themselves and end up trying to serve the community without the resources to do it well. It's my goal to show the community another model and demonstrate that it can be done. We can truly take care of the people who give of themselves for the community. I think that people are becoming ready to hear about this and to see it done.

Today, I got permission to start selling weavings from Shuttle Creek online. As time goes on, I am weaving more and more of her inventory. By the time Winter rolls around, I will have woven most of the garments that she has in stock.

Now you can help to support me by purchasing Shuttle Creek's handwoven garments from my website. Annie pays me a commission for every sale on top of my per-yard wage to weave the cloth.