Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Black Cloth Pics

[Checking the threading with a few inches of white weft. Notice the extreme difference in warp thread weights.]

Photographing this black cloth has been a challenge. There are several things that make it particularly pretty: the subtle shades of black, the variety of textures, and the shimmering patterns that change as the cloth moves. Each of these features is difficult to capture alone. Add them up and the pictures don't do justice to the cloth at all.

Here they are, though, the best I can do with my current limited knowledge of textile photography.

[Laying flat, colors, textures, and pattern visible]

[Curved around the beam, color and shimmer overpowering the pattern]

[Sunshine, extreme angle, closeup. The shiny weft looks grey at this angle.]


Disaster Cat said...

Love the twill pattern and the side view of the cloth! I'll be it looks really, really good in the real world.

I also find it hard to photograph some of my weaving. It never looks quite the same and the closer the colors, the harder to photograph it is.

Melodi In Ireland

Jess said...

this cloth is gorgeous Blossom! I want to see it in real life.