Friday, December 4, 2009

Wolf Creek, Here I Come!

Everything is packed as well as it's going to get for now. It's just a matter of shuffling it from my room to the garage, and onto the truck.

I am still making use of the super-fast cable internet to do Renaissance Faire costume research. It's really confusing to me since I don't know how to tell who works for the fair, who works in a booth, who is a performer, which cues denote class, and which costume items would only be worn by the least savvy of neophytes, etc. It's hard to know where to get started.

I stumbled upon a great collaboration tool today. It's based on a new feature of Evernote, and a way to solicit feedback from my friends as I try to untangle the mysteries of the Renaissance Faire culture. Here's how it works:
  1. You go and look at the reference images I've collected in an online notebook.
  2. If you have experience in Ren Faire culture and would like to annotate images for me, drop me a line.
  3. I'll add your email address to the list of contributors, giving you the ability to edit notes in the notebook.
  4. You'll receive an email invitation. Go to the notebook and add your own notes to the images.
So, do let me know if you want to give a hand. I'll leave all of the comments up there so that others can use this as reference, too.

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