Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blog Comment Reply Day...

Eureka! Another piece of the notebook-less lifestyle clicked into place yesterday. Let me back up a bit... My notebook is dying. It has been for a while, but now I think it's for real.

OK, so I have to plug it into a network because the WiFi doesn't work. That's not ideal, but it's workable. But now the hard drive makes a loud clicking sound. The screen doesn't get very bright, and the hard drive runs continuously, apparently swapping out memory. As a result, it can take a long time to do just about anything.

I've held off on replacing it because I can do almost everything on my iPod. Seriously. The major things that I do on the notebook are photo management and certain online stuff. There are things that don't work on a small screen or functions that the mobile apps just don't have.

One of those features is replying to blog comments. I just have not taken the time to get out my notebook and plug it into the router in our always-cold library. The end result is that I've been inadvertently ignoring blog comments.

Well, that changed yesterday when I discovered that one of my blog writing apps actually does a great job of managing and allowing engagement with blog comments. So, I went through and replied to all the neglected comments.

If you've been wondering whether I had gotten your comments, I'm sorry for the delay. Thanks for leaving comments, and I promise to be more engaged now that I can do it from the fantastic little computer that's always in my pocket.


Alsan said...

Whoo hoo, I have finally managed to post to your site!
I have another odd question for you. Why does your second AVL loom need a bead mandala before being named? Well, the real question is for what do you use the bead mandala?

Unknown said...

Hi, Alsan,

I'm glad you figured out how to post. I didn't think I made it THAT difficult... :)

The bead mandala is really a symbolic thing. It's the only form of "decoration" that I put on a loom and turns it from just *A* loom to *MY* loom. It's a sort of formal adoption that I want to have in place before the loom gets a name.

This process is a commitment. By adopting the loom, I'm promising that it won't sit in a corner collecting dust. Looms want to be used, don't you think?

Be well!

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